

Its hard to believe that after all these years of working with and promoting open source software, that I've finally become an open source developer. I started a project called Kamikaze-QSCM on's site.

Kamikaze is a source control query tool similar to Mozilla's bonsai. The 0.1 release is pretty basic. It only works with Subversion and requires a MySQL database. Future versions will support other SCM's like CVS and will, hopefully, be DB agnostic.

It ain't easy holding down a 40+ hour job and contributing to open source, but hopefully it will be rewarding. I've enjoyed working on this project and have learned a lot. I have lots of software ideas I'd like to implement not related to this project - all in good time.? Perhaps I'll write more on this later, but now I must sleep. 8-) ZZzzzzzz...


Norah Jones - House Of Blues - Los Angeles, - Cold Cold Heart

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21 September 2004