HBO: Game of Thrones: Homepage

2012-04-01 00:00:00 -0400


I'm subscribing to HBO just for the "Game of Thrones" series. Very seldom does a series inspire me to pay MORE for my video entertainment. (It also inspired me to read the books - I just found out HBO is $14.95/mo. I'm pretty sure when I last cancelled HBO, it only saved me an additional $6. How is it that adding it back costs me more than when I dropped it? I'm also curious about HBO GO. Anyway, the plan is to drop HBO after the Game of Thrones season ends.

Why I'm still frustrated with Google Voice | iPhone Atlas - CNET Reviews

2012-03-30 00:00:00 -0400


2012-03-18 00:00:00 -0400

Check out this website I found at

This really gives you perspective.

Welcome to WestlawNext : WestlawNext Legal Research System: Thomson Reuters

2012-03-13 00:00:00 -0400


I had a hand in WestlawNext's search and case topic assignment logic. This is their new promotional site:

Send Them Your Money

2012-03-13 00:00:00 -0400

Send Them Your Money

A campaign to send the RIAA/MPAA billions

The Problem

The MPAA & RIAA claim that the internet is stealing billions of dollars worth of their property by sharing copies of files. They're willing to destroy the internet with things like SOPA & PIPA in an attempt to collect that money.

The Inspiration

Hundreds of years ago a Japanese judge (??oka Tadasuke) handled a lawsuit by a paranoid innkeeper who accused a poor student of literally stealing the fumes of his cooking by eating when the innkeeper was cooking to flavour his dull food. Although his colleagues advised ??oka to throw the case out as ridiculous, he decided to hear the case. The judge resolved the matter by ordering the student to pass the money he had in one hand to his other and ruling that the price of the smell of food is the sound of money. -- Wikipedia

The Solution

Let's just pay them the money! They've made it very clear that they consider digital copies to be just as valuable as the original. That makes it a lot easier to pay them back in two ways: a. We can email them scanned images of dollar bills instead of bulky paper and b. We don't have to worry about the hassle of shipping huge quantities of cash.

How to Help

Take a picture or scan an image of your money. Send digital copies to the MPAA & RIAA in whatever quantity you feel you can afford. Don't go overboard. If you can only afford 20 copies then that's good enough. If enough people contribute we should be able to fully satisify even their most outrageous demands.

Spread the Word



Wikipedia gave me a copy, and I made a copy of it here. Please make your own copies if you can afford to do so.

If images are out of your budget here is some ASCII money (link courtesy of Danieru on HN).

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by Jake Gold for fun · · Inspired by this Hacker News thread
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