It cant happen here

2004-10-22 00:00:00 -0400



Here are the lyrics to one of my favorite songs.

Pop Will Eat Itself - Dos Dedos Mis Amigos - Ich Bin Ein Auslander

"Listen to the victim, abused by the system
The basis is racist, you know that we must face this.
"It can't happen here". Oh yeah?
"Take a look around at the cities and the towns."

See them hunting, creeping, sneaking,
Breeding fear and loathing with the lies they're speaking.
The knife, the gun, broken bottle, petrol bomb:
There is no future when the past soon come.

And when they come to ethnically cleanse me,
Will you speak out? Will you defend me?
Or laugh through a glass eye as they rape our lives,
Trampled underfoot by the right on the rise.

Ich Bin Ein Auslander.

Welcome to a state where the politics of hate
Shout loud in the crowd "Watch them beat us all down"
There's a rising tide in the rivers of blood
But if the answer isn't violence, neither is your silence.

If they come to ethnically cleanse me,
will you speak out? Will you defend me?
Freedom of expression doesn't make it alright
Trampled underfoot by the rise of the right.

"Ich Bin Ein Auslander" - I am an outsider?

While I'm pretty sure they had nazism (or fascism) in mind when they wrote the song, it has always conjured visions of an America that has forgotten the "high ideals" of the constitution. Can anyone identify the signs? Suspension of due process? McArthyism or Terrorist witch hunts? Misguided aggression towards unfriendly foreign nations?

Lost Rights by James Bovard - a book so depressing I never got past chapter 3.


Pop Will Eat Itself - Dos Dedos Mis Amigos - Ich Bin Ein Auslander

American Citizens, Make Informed Decisions

2004-10-22 00:00:00 -0400



Many mainstream news outlets are simply sounding boards for partisan talking points. Make informed decisions. Here are some sites that might help.


Midtown - Spider-Man 2 - Give It Up

SafariSpeed Makes OS X's Safari Web Browser Even Faster

2004-10-21 00:00:00 -0400



This Safari web browser.

Witnessing the Demise of C++ or Its Second Wind

2004-10-20 00:00:00 -0400



I'm a software engineer who develops most applications using C++. I develop server-based applications on 'NIX and Windows platforms. When I graduated college in '95, C++ was really heating up. It has been *the* language for object oriented programming (OOP) of high performance applications for many years. Even the open source hackers who once scoffed at the idea of C++ over plain old lean and mean C have made the switch at some point.. mostly.

So what's with the title? Why do I wonder if C++ is at the end of its rope?

... [click to follow my reasoning] )
I've stumbled on a number of C++ related links that you may find interesting:

  • - Portable C++ libraries based on the standard library. The Boost site has a lot of good links - the more interesting of which are listed here.

  • C++ standards committee
  • The C++ Source - a lot of good articles and HOW-TO's here.
  • Adaptive Communication Environment
  • OSE
  • Its clear that its time for me to become fully versed in the Java platform. Its become an obvious choice for many applications. (A good developer strives to ever increase his/her repertoire of tools.) However, I wonder if I'm witnessing the very slow demise of C++ or merely its second wind.?

    Kamikaze-QSCM Community Created

    2004-10-20 00:00:00 -0400



    I've created a Live Journal Kamikaze-QSCM community for those adverse to mailing lists. It does NOT require yet another user/password, e-mail address etc. Anonymous posts are allowed, although I would encourage anyone to get a free LiveJournal account who wishes to participate regularly.