Tivo Desktop Alternative: Java Home Media Option

2005-01-08 00:00:00 -0500



Don't like the Tivo Desktop software or want a version that runs on Linux or other java supported platform? The Java Home Media Option may be for you. Version 2.2 is now available.

The True Story of Audion

2005-01-08 00:00:00 -0500



The True Story of Audion is a rather long write up on the history of the Panic's Audio MP3 player/encoder and why it was retired. The best part is the interaction with Steve Jobs and Cabel, one of Panic's founders. If you are the impatient type, scroll towards the end, seciton: "The Big E-Mail".

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Ahh.. the double edged sword of capitalism. In the same vein, this guy talks about what it typically means to sell out your start up company. Sound familiar?

HD Tivo .. in 2006?!

2005-01-08 00:00:00 -0500



This article reports that Tivo plans to release a set top free HD version of Tivo. Well its about time! But wait, they don't plan to do it until 2006! This may be too little too late. Other HD PVRs are starting to hit the market. If they are well implemented, this could be a serious slip for Tivo in the market. Features like TivoToGo may save Tivo though. This free feature for Tivo series 2 boxes is starting to make it to customers through the Tivo software update. It will allow Windows PC users to watch Tivo recorded programs (with some restrictions) on their PC and (potentially?) burn those shows to DVD. An Apple computer version is supposedly in the works. The fact that TivoToGo does not work with Apple computers and places limits on what can be watched does not make me happy. I understand that the company is walking a thin line with Hollywood and copy protection.

Auld Lang Syne

2005-01-08 00:00:00 -0500



Auld Lang Syne == Old Long Since (Times gone by)

CSI Fan, Not Fanatic

2005-01-02 00:00:00 -0500



Abby and I are CSI fans. We enjoy CSI (Vegas), CSI Miami, CSI NY, and NCIS. I found a great site for news on CSI (Vegas, Miami, and NY) here: http://members.aol.com/JRD203/csi.htm. For those who really like the shows and want to know more about them (plots, character news, etc) this is a great site.

If you search livejournal, you will find a number of CSI communities, but I've found them to be a bit creepy. I was hoping that there'd be episode discussions, news, etc. Instead they seem to be largely populated with CSI fanatics or wannabe playwrights. I read one short involving a "homo-erotic encounter" between NCIS's DiNozzo and McGee. I will never watch NCIS the same way again. Ick.


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