GitHub as Blogging Platform Testing GitHub as Blogging Platform
Google Voice Blog: Google Voice for everyone
Yay! Google voice is now open to the public! It provides all the feature you expect in your other communication mediums e-mail/IM/etc. for your phone! Its free. Give it a try.
Weasel Words...
Unsupported attributions
... some people say, it is believed, many are of the opinion, most feel, experts declare, it is often reported, it is widely thought, research has shown, science says, it was proven ...Phrases such as these present the appearance of support for statements but can deny the reader the opportunity to assess the source of the viewpoint. They are referred to as "weasel words" by Wikipedia contributors. They can pad out sentences without adding any useful information, and may disguise a biased view. Claims about what people say, think, feel, or believe, and what has been shown, demonstrated, or proven should be clearly attributed.[3]
Just say no to weasel words.
M Caught a Fish Last Weekend
M caught a fish last weekend all by herself. We didn't even know she had one until she walked up to us with it still flopping around on her line.
She got her Grandpa ("Bacca") to skin it and cook it for her.Fishing For Rabbits
M, decided to fish for rabbits.. or squirrels.. or chipmunks. She attached a bag of carrots to a rope and cast it down our hill.
Agile Blog : Chrome extension updated to 0.6.2
1Password has an update for their Google Chrome plugin - still alpha.