This Weekend 6/4-5/2005

2005-06-05 00:00:00 -0400



Friday night: system restore
Saturday: Abby went to Sodus with Mason and left Emma with me. This was the first time that I've been totally left alone with Emma for an extended period of time. Abby must be crazy. After a morning of play time with Emma, we went to Home Depot and got paint for the living/dining room. I'm sick of the scuffed and water stained walls. Abby seems to like them or is so fearful of picking a wrong color that she'd rather be embarrassed when our friends come over.. ANYWAY! Emma was totally agreeable and took a nap while I did some last minute hemming and hawing over the color choice. (In the end I chose "Fresh Praline" and "Lilting Laughter"... *shrug* It looked good on the computer.)

When we got home I mowed the front lawn. I put Emma in her bouncy seat in the front door so I could see her and her me. Then, between feedings and play time, I prepped half the room for painting. I decided to wait for Emma's bed time before starting to paint. (Besides it was a Myth Busters marathon on the Discovery Channel) I put her to bed around 9 and started painting. Once I got all the tools and stuff out it was late and Emma was restless in her crib. I only did one wall in the dining area. I figured I could do it the next day. Ha! Little Emma was a total cling-on (Klingon) and wanted to be held, fed, and entertained the whole day. Consequently, I only got the dining area walls done and a single coat at that!

Abby came home from Sodus sick, some sort of stomach thing, and just in time to for me to leave for v-ball. I had to speed to get there. Our team had to forfeit one game because our fourth guy showed late. We lost the other two games fair and square. It was stifling at hot shots - no air movement at all. That's OK guys, don't make use of those huge f'ing fans you have!

That was pretty much my weekend. I'm exhausted and want to go to bed now. :) Emma survived. That's the important thing. I enjoy every minute with her and don't mind that I didn't get my painting project done. Hopefully I'll be able to work on it in the evenings and finish it up next weekend.?


I Ordered a New Digital Camera: Casio EX-Z750

2005-06-05 00:00:00 -0400



We take a lot of pictures and we post them to our family web site. We've done this ever since we got our first (only) digital camera in 1999. This 1 mega-pixel Kodak DC215 is very long in the tooth now. With the baby making memorable moments ever 3 seconds, I decided it was time for a newer camera - something fast to start, fast to take pics, and very portable. The EX-Z750 isn't much bigger than a deck of cards and its fast. It also has numerous manual controls which a geek like me can appreciate.

When the camera arrives, I'll post more about it.

Hard Drive Crashed and Burned Tuesday

2005-06-05 00:00:00 -0400



My powerbook's hard drive died on Tuesday. I came home to find my screen saver frozen and could not get remote access via ssh. I had a number of crashes in the last week which I think was a sign that things were going south - especially since my powerbook (G4 800) is normally stable. When I reboot the machine appeared to hang. I rebooted again and this time I pressed [cmd]-v before it started to boot. This took me to verbose/console mode and I was able to watch the system messages. I noticed a lot of disk I/O errors.

Click to read about the 4 day nightmare that followed. )

The short of it is the old hard drive broke down - probably a broken write head.? (It definitely had an interesting rattle to it..) I got a newer bigger and faster HD out of it at the cost of an OS reinstall and restore (4 evenings of my life, I'll never get back..). I have a skeleton system running Panther with just the essentials restored - Mail, firefox, iLife, etc. When Tiger comes I'll get everything restored.

Do you suppose this is fate preventing me from becoming a WOW addict like the Van Ee clan?

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Emma Week 11, 12, Memorial Day Weekend

2005-05-31 00:00:00 -0400



Pictures of Emma from weeks 11 and 12 are up along with a slew of other pics from Memorial day weekend. We had a lot of fun on Sunday at Sodus Bay with the Van Ee's. We had a nice picnic. Emma got passed around a lot and Mason was fairly well behaved. Monday we discovered that one of Mason play mates is also his litter mate - his brother! Small world! The Van Ee brothers are trying to lure me into the sick and twisted world of "World of Warcraft." Time will tell if their treachery was successful. On on the verge of buying a new digital camera to replace my aging (OLD) Kodak DC215. Stay tuned..

Movie DB - All DVDs Have Been Logged

2005-05-29 00:00:00 -0400


jduprey Movie DB
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