Slashdot Jon Stewart on CNN's Crossfire

2004-10-16 00:00:00 -0400



This article on reports that Jon Stewart was on CNN's Crossfire. John Stewart is the host of "The Daily Show." Even though Stewart's show is a fake news show on the Comedy channel, I still find it informative. *Sometimes* it seems his show does more fact checking than *real* news shows. Stewart appeared on the show to beg the news media to act as something more than free advertisement for the different political parties.

In my opinion, ever since the 9/11 attacks, much of the mainstream media has really fallen down the slippery slope of biased news coverage. However, this may have been true long before 9/11, but I cared less about it then. These days I rely on National Public Radio and the BBC for news.. when I crawl out of my hole to actually read news.

"Jon Stewart on CNN's Crossfire"

Posted by michael on Saturday October 16, @10:09AM
from the emperor-has-no-clothes dept.
BoldAC writes "Instead of plugging his new book, Jon Stewart tonight on CNN's Crossfire used his time to slam the media's coverage of the election. Although Stewart leans left, he attacked..."

Update: You can view the streaming video here.
Update: This story is now covered every where. Even arstechnica has covered it.
Update: America the Book - "American-style democracy is the world's most beloved form of government, which explains why so many other nations are eager for us to impose it on them. But what is American democracy? In AMERICA (THE BOOK), Jon Stewart and The Daily Show writing staff offer their insights into our unique system of government, dissecting its institutions, explaining its history and processes, and exploring the reasons why concepts like one man, one vote, government by the people, and every vote counts have become such popular urban myths. Topics include: Ancient Rome: The First Republicans; The Founding Fathers: Young, Gifted, and White; The Media: Can it Be Stopped?; and more! "

Caught in the Web of Technology: Technology and Software Report

2004-10-09 00:00:00 -0400



I've spent the last week or two spending way too much time surfing the web for useful software development technology. The web is a hell of a tool, but if you have a short attention span (like me) you easily find yourself all over the place. The goal of this post is to just touch upon some neat things I've stumbled across. Most of them deal with software development, but not all.

Click here to


Frou Frou - Shrek 2 - Holding Out for a Hero

Movie - "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"

2004-10-04 00:00:00 -0400




I finally got around to seeing "Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind." I would never be so bold to review or analyze a film like this one. There are those who "know" film and art and would be more than happy to tell me how wrong I am. You can google for these reviews until your heart's content.

I will risk giving my feelings about the movie. This is my journal after all.

Read more here.. a spoiler is included... )

Well, anyway, here's to love and a good movie, "Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind."

The title is based on an Alexander Pope poem which you can read here. You may be able to find more of Pope's work at Project Gutenberg.

Powerbook Fixit Guide

2004-10-03 00:00:00 -0400



Looking to install a new hard drive or more RAM into your powerbook G3 or G4.  This site provides really good instructions for breaking down your powerbook and doing all sorts of upgrades and fixes.

Linux Only Searching

2004-10-03 00:00:00 -0400



Looking for information specific to Linux on the web.  Maybe this Linux-only search site will help: